How to start on NFT4Artists ?

This is where all the big things begin !

  1. Creating an account in

Click the ‘’create account’’ button on the front page

2. Wallet selection

Select your SOL wallet. You can use Phantom or Solfare in order to connect to our platform. Please see the FAQ if you do not already have a wallet add-on installed in your browser and want to supply your wallet with SOL.

Choose the wallet you have installed and connect it to our platform.

3. Sign up

Sign up by completing the required steps. Finish by clicking on ‘’Create Account’’

4. Become a creator.

This step is required to be able to create collections, list NFT’s and be highlighted on our homepage.

Click on the menu (top right) and click on ‘’Become a creator’’

Click on ‘’Fill the form’’

It will redirect you to our google form.

Please fill out this form.

Your application will be reviewed by our team. Our choice to accept your application or not will be based on your art and why you want to join our platform. After about 24h if approved you will have access to new options in the menu.

5. Creating a collection.

Ones you have been accepted as an artist, you can now create your first collection.

Collection name: Name you want your collection to have.

Family: Choose a ‘’category’’ that your collection belongs to. For example: Photo, 3d, painting,…

Short name: Is simply an acronym.

Description: Add a description describing your collection.

Add the images to display your collection on our platform.

Icon: A small image of your logo for example

Vertical teaser image: An image used to display a sample of your collection in a vertical display

Square teaser image: An image used to display a sample of your collection in a square display

Cover image: This is used as a banner

Note that the images cannot exceed 2MB and see the recommended sizes under every step.

Select the tags

Select the categories corresponding to your collection.

Select ‘’adult content’’ if your collection will have adult content.

Additional elements for the future collection

Supply number: number of images in your collection

Initial price: Price per image in SOL

Minting date: The date the collection will be displayed on our platform. If you choose the current date your collection will be visible straight away. If you select a date in the future the collection will only display from that day onwards.

Note that these additional elements are not mandatory and can be left blank

Website and social networks

Click on create collection

After a short while the collection can be seen under your profile/collections

6. Creating an NFT

From the menu click on ‘’Create NFT’’

Select the collection you want to create your NFT in.

Select NFT4Artists Original if you create a unique NFT and have no collection. Otherwise just select the collection you just created.

Fill out the name and description of your NFT.

Click on Next

Choose the NFT picture file.

Maximum image size is 9mb. Otherwise, the transaction will fail.

Add your URL if wanted.

Fill the trait of your NFT. For example: Nature, Bird, photography,…

The value indicates the pertinence of the attribute.

The creator (you) receives automatically 100% of the SOL amount you sell it for.

You can add other creators that will receive part of the sale price directly in their wallet. Simply add their SOL wallet address and the % share they should receive.

Royalties percentage is the % you will receive every time your NFT is resold afterwards.

Recommended is between 5% and 15%

Click on Next

Click on ‘’create NFT’’

This will then have to approve 2 transactions on your SOL Wallet.

Your NFT is then created and can be seen in your profile!

7. Listing your NFT

In your profile click on Wallet NFT’s you will see the NFT you have just created.

To list it up for sale click on ‘’list the NFT’’

Set the SOL price you want to sell it for and click ‘’list the NFT’’ to approve the wallet’s transaction.

Your NFT is then listed for sale.

Last updated